Residence Permit

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Residence Permit

Foreigners who intend to stay in Turkey for a period longer than permitted in their visa, visa exemption, or for more than ninety days must obtain a residence permit.
1. Short-Term Residence Permit for Foreigners
To apply for a short-term residence permit, foreigners who own real estate in Turkey or will establish a business or commercial connections in Turkey must submit the following documents to the relevant Provincial Directorate of Immigration Administration (Göç İdaresi) after the application is made through the e-residence system. Short-term residence permits are issued for a maximum of two years. A residence permit is invalidated if it is not used within six months.
1.1.  Initial Application
• Residence permit application form
• The original and a copy of the passport or travel document
• Four passport-size photographs
• Declaration regarding sufficient and sustainable financial resources for the duration of the stay (Stated in the application form. The authority may request supporting documents.)
• Official document regarding the applicant’s ownership of the residence*
• An invitation letter or documents of such written by the person or companies to be contacted**
• Valid medical insurance (one of the following shall be sufficient):
o Document facilitating health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
o Provision document issued by the Social Security Institution
o Document regarding the application made to the Social Security Institution to be covered by the general health insurance
o Private health insurance
1.2. Application for Extension
Applications for an extension of the residence permit may be made within sixty days prior to its expiration, but under no circumstances may this be done after the expiry date.
For the extension, foreigners are required to apply for a residence permit through the e-residence system. The completed application and required documents should be sent to the related Provincial Immigration Administration Office (Göç İdaresi) by mail within five days. 
• Residence permit application form
• The original and a copy of the passport or travel document
• Submission of the previous residence permit document
• Two passport-size photographs
• Declaration regarding sufficient and sustainable financial resources for the duration of the stay (Stated in the application form. The authority may request supporting documents.)
• Official document regarding the applicant’s ownership of the residence*
• An invitation letter or documents of such written by the person or companies to be contacted**
• Valid medical insurance (one of the following shall be sufficient):
o Document facilitating health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
o Provision document issued by the Social Security Institution
o Private health insurance including the extension period
*required for foreigners owning immovable property in Turkey
**required for foreigners that will establish business or commercial connections in Turkey
2. Long-Term Residence Permit for Foreigners
For a long-term residence permit, foreigners that have continuously resided in Turkey for at least eight years should submit the following documents to the relevant Provincial Directorate of Immigration Administration (Göç İdaresi):
2.1. Initial Application
• Residence permit application form
• The original and a copy of the passport or travel document
• Submission of the previous residence permit document
• Two passport-size photographs
• The document showing that the applicant has not received any social aid from governmental institutions and organizations in the last three years
• Declaration regarding sufficient and sustainable financial resources for the duration of the stay
• Police record document
• Valid medical insurance (one of the following shall be sufficient):
o Document facilitating health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
o Provision document issued by the Social Security Institution
o Document regarding the application made to the Social Security Institution to be covered by the general health insurance
o Private health insurance
• Document showing that the applicant is registered with the Address Registry System
2.2. Application for Extension
Long-term residence permits are issued indefinitely.
For detailed information about residence permits, please visit:
As per the new regulations published in the Official Gazette on January 12, 2017, foreigners who meet any of the following conditions may be eligible for Turkish citizenship, subject to the proposal of the Ministry and the decision of the Council of Ministers:
• Proven by the Ministry of Economy to have made a minimum fixed capital investment of USD 2,000,000
• Proven by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization to have acquired a real estate worth a minimum of USD 1,000,000 with a title deed restriction on its resale for at least three years
• Proven by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security to have created jobs for at least 100 people
• Proven by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency to have deposited at least USD 3,000,000 in banks operating in Turkey with the condition of not to withdraw for at least three years
• Proven by the Undersecretaries of the Treasury to have bought at least USD 3,000,000 worth of government bonds with the condition that they cannot be sold for at least three years
• Proven by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey to have bought at least USD 1,500,000 worth of real estate investment fund share or venture capital investment fund share with the condition that they cannot be sold for at least three years


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